My 3 Tips for Removing a Ring That’s Too Tight

My 3 Tips for Removing a Ring That’s Too Tight
A ring that’s too tight can be a source of frustration and discomfort. Whether it’s due to temporary finger swelling, weight gain, or simply because the ring size was misjudged, it’s important to know how to remove a ring that won’t come off. Fortunately, there are several effective tips for removing a ring that’s too tight without damaging the ring or causing pain.

Check out my top three tips for solving this common problem.
1. Use Oil or Vaseline
a. Why it works Oils, like olive oil, or products like petroleum jelly, can help lubricate the skin, making it easier for the ring to slide on. This method is especially helpful if the ring is slightly too tight due to temporary swelling in your fingers.

b. How to do it

Clean your hands and ring: Before applying oil or petroleum jelly, wash your hands to avoid introducing impurities or bacteria.

Apply the oil: Put a few drops of oil or a small amount of petroleum jelly around the base of your finger and on the surface of the ring.

Slide the ring: Gently try to slide the ring along your finger. You can also rotate the ring while applying light pressure.

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