Cake with pudding

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While the base is baking or earlier, while the cake is resting in the fridge, cook the pudding. Pour three glasses of milk into a pot and add four tablespoons of sugar. Set the burner to medium power.Pour the remaining milk into the glass – about 125 ml and add almost all the custard powder. Pour 2 flat tablespoons from the third package of sugar-free pudding powder into a small bowl. You will then use this powder to dust the strawberries. Mix the milk in a glass thoroughly with the pudding powder and pour it into the almost boiling milk in a pot. Reduce the burner power and immediately start mixing everything with a spoon or a kitchen whisk. There will be some lumps at first, but the pudding will become smoother over time. After the pudding bubbles slightly, you can remove it from the burner. The pudding should be thick.

Wash the strawberries and remove the stalks. Dry the fruit with a paper towel and cut into smaller pieces. Sprinkle the strawberry pieces with the pudding powder that was previously placed in a small bowl.

Place pieces of strawberries mixed with pudding powder on the baked base. The bottom of the tart may still be warm.

Pour the pudding over the strawberries. The pudding may also be still warm. Try to fill the spaces between the strawberry pieces with pudding. Spread the pudding evenly over the entire surface.Take out a piece of dough that was previously placed in the freezer and grate it on a coarse grater. Spread the grated shortcrust pastry evenly over the entire surface of the dough, on top of the pudding.

Place the form with the dough in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, on the middle shelf. Select the top/bottom heating option and bake the cake for a minimum of 45 minutes, but no longer than 55 minutes. The crumble should brown nicely.

After baking, you can immediately remove the form from the oven.

Shortcrust pastry with pudding and strawberries can be eaten while still warm. However, you have to take into account that it will be a bit more difficult to cut and will be loose. However, I usually eat this cake while it is still warm, because it tastes wonderful and the family members cannot and do not want to wait any longer.

After cooling down, you can cut the cake with a knife at the very sides and remove the sides of the pan. The cake can be additionally sprinkled with powdered sugar before serving. Always store shortcrust pastry in a cool place.
Enjoy your meal!

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