My 3 Tips for Removing a Ring That’s Too Tight

Prepare the floss: Take a piece of dental floss or silk thread and wrap it around your finger, under the ring, starting at the base of the finger and gradually working your way up. Make sure the floss is tight.

Slide the ring on: Once the floss is in place, gently try to slide the ring down your finger by gently pulling on the floss. The floss creates a sort of cushion that reduces friction, making it easier to remove the ring.

Remove the floss: Once the ring is removed, carefully remove the dental floss or silk.

Removing a ring that’s too tight may seem like a challenge, but these three tips can help you fix the problem without resorting to specialized tools. Using oil or petroleum jelly to lubricate the finger, cooling the finger to reduce swelling, or using dental floss to create leverage are simple but effective methods. If these techniques don’t work or if you’re experiencing significant pain, it’s a good idea to consult a professional jeweler or doctor to avoid further injury or damage.

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