Simple and Tasty Apple Pie Recipe in 5 Minutes


Apple pie is a classic dessert loved by many for its sweet and tangy flavor profile, coupled with a flaky crust. While traditional recipes may require hours of preparation and baking time, we’ve curated a hassle-free method to make a scrumptious apple pie in just five minutes! Say goodbye to lengthy kitchen sessions and hello to quick, homemade goodness.


To prepare this delightful apple pie, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 4 Apples
  • 2 Eggs
  • Sugar: 50 g
  • Milk (room temperature): 100 ml
  • Plain flour: 200 g
  • Lemon juice (for drizzling apples)


Let’s break down the steps to create this apple pie masterpiece:

Preparing the Apples
  1. Wash the Apples: Ensure the apples are thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt or residue.
  2. Core and Slice: Remove the cores from the apples and slice them thinly. Pro tip: Sprinkle lemon juice over the slices to prevent browning and add a zesty flavor.
Mixing the Batter
  1. Beat Eggs and Sugar: In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and sugar together until the mixture turns foamy and pale in color.
  2. Add Milk: Gradually pour in the room temperature milk while continuing to beat the mixture. This will ensure a smooth and creamy consistency.
  3. Incorporate Flour: Sift the plain flour into the bowl and mix until a smooth batter forms. Be sure to eliminate any lumps for a flawless texture.

Baking the Pie

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