Cake with pudding


lease see the recipe for a cake with pudding , strawberries and streusel. It’s a very simple cake to make that looks beautiful and tastes wonderful. Tempting shortcrust pastry, pudding and strawberries… poetry!

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Baking time: 55 minutes
Number of servings: 20/30 cm form Caloric value kcal: 180 in 100 grams Diet: vegetarian

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry

  • 2 cups of wheat flour – about 300-320 g
  • stick of butter – 200 g
  • one medium egg
  • 1/3 cup of fine sugar
  • 2 spoons of baking powder
  • pinch of salt

the other ingredients

  • 3 sugar-free cream puddings – 3 x pudding powder, 35 g sachet
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 3.5 cups of milk – 875 ml
  • 700 g of strawberries

My glass has a capacity of 250 ml.
To bake the cake, I used a 20/30 cm baking tin.

Brittle cake with strawberries

Shortcrust pastry with pudding and strawberries is one of the pastries that simply must be baked in the middle of strawberry season. The buttery smell of the cake combined with the aroma of baked strawberries is to die for. It is enough to stimulate this one sense and all household members will gather in the kitchen in front of the oven, waiting for the end of baking.

Place 2 cups of wheat flour in a bowl. It can be cake flour or regular flour. 500. You can use a mixture of plain wheat flour and krupczatka flour. It is important that the flour does not weigh more than 320 grams in total. Also add a pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons of baking powder and fine sugar to the bowl. Add no more than half a cup of sugar. I usually use 1/3 of a 250 ml glass.

Beat one egg and add a stick of butter. Both the egg and butter can be taken straight from the fridge. I also cut the butter into cubes to make it easier to knead the dough.

Knead the dough with your hands or with a mixer with shortcrust pastry hooks. I always knead the shortcrust pastry with my hands. Try to do it quickly. At first, you may think that the dough is too loose, but when you rub in the butter, it should come together into a tight ball.

If you add too much flour and it turns out that the dough does not come together into a ball, I recommend adding a tablespoon of ice water or a flat tablespoon of 18% sour cream. Divide the dough into two parts with a knife in a ratio of 3:5. Wrap this smaller piece in foil and place it in the freezer. This part of the dough will make crumbles, which you will grate into the dough before baking. Also wrap the larger part of the dough in foil and place it in the refrigerator for a full hour.

After an hour, remove the cake from the refrigerator. Line the bottom of the baking tin with baking paper. The sides do not need to be lubricated or lined with anything. Cut the dough into slices about 5-7 mm thick and place them on the bottom of the baking tin. This is a very quick and simple way to make a shortcrust pastry base with strawberries and pudding. Finally, knead the dough at the joints with your fingers. You can also level the dough with the back of a spoon.

Place the form with the dough in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Choose the middle shelf with the top/bottom heating option. Bake the bottom for 10 minutes. After this time, you can immediately remove the form from the oven.

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