Plum cake with cinnamon crumble: an autumn classic that always delights


Preparation that brings joy
Prepare the dough: Mix a simple shortcrust pastry or batter and put it into a greased baking tin, smoothing it out.
Arrange the plums: Spread the halved plums close together on the dough, with the cut side facing upwards.
Make the crumble: Knead the flour, sugar, cinnamon and butter into crumbles and spread evenly over the plums.
Baking: Bake the cake in the preheated oven until the crumble is golden brown and the plums are soft.
Allow to cool: Allow the cake to cool in the pan before serving.
Individualization: Creative and versatile
Feel free to refine the plum cake with other spices such as cloves or cardamom or add a dash of almond liqueur to the dough for an even more intense flavor.

Serving suggestions: varied and delicious
This plum cake tastes great with a cup of coffee or tea. A scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of cream can transform it into a decadent dessert.

Conclusion: A cake that warms hearts
Plum cake with cinnamon crumble is not only a highlight of the plum season, but also proof of how simple ingredients can be combined to create something wonderful. It brings the taste of autumn to the table and warms the heart with every bite.

500 g plums
For the dough:
200 g flour
100 g sugar
100g butter​
1 pinch of salt
For the crumbles:
150 g flour
75 g sugar
75g butter​
1 tsp cinnamon
1 pinch of salt

Prepare the dough and shape it.
Arrange plums on the dough.
Make the crumble and pour it over the plums.
Bake at 180°C for about 45-60 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy.
Preparation time:
20 minutes
Baking time: 45-60 minutes
Total time: approx. 1 hour 20 minutes

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