Plum cake with cinnamon crumble: an autumn classic that always delights


A feast of flavors
When plum season begins, there is hardly a recipe that tastes as much of autumn as plum cake with cinnamon crumble. The combination of juicy, sweet and sour plums, the buttery dough and the spicy cinnamon crumble makes this cake a real treat that should not be missing from any coffee break. This recipe is easy to prepare and impresses with its wonderful taste and texture.

The secret of the perfect plum cake
The key to a successful plum cake is choosing ripe, aromatic plums and preparing the crumble, which is given an autumnal note by adding cinnamon. The crumble not only gives the cake flavor, but also a crispy texture that harmonizes perfectly with the soft plums.

Selection of ingredients: seasonal and aromatic
Plums: Ripe and juicy, pitted and halved.
For the dough: A mixture of flour, sugar, butter and a pinch of salt.
For the crumble: flour, sugar, butter, cinnamon and a pinch of salt for extra flavor.
Cinnamon: The spice that gives the crumbles their characteristic flavor.


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